Monday, 01 September 2008
Here are the slides and T-SQL code I used during Thursday's Norwegian .NET User Group presentation.
I presented basic transaction processing with emphasis on concurrency and isolation. I hope everyone had a good time. I definitely had a good time presenting.

I also got some really good questions, one of them being what would happen if SQL Server were to lose the log file for one of its databases during operation. Since I didn't give the full explanation at the presentation, I've written a blog post about it. It can be found here.

Also, I mentioned that SQL Server 2008 RTM'ed (it's done!) on or sometime before 6th of August with build number 10.0.1600.22. I didn't blog about it here since I was OOF at the time :-)

Transaksjoner, isolasjonsnivåer og låsing i SQL Server.pptx (151.12 KB) (2.92 KB)

posted on Monday, 01 September 2008 21:32:15 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [3]