Wednesday, 02 August 2006

I'm working a bit with SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 these days, and discovered a pretty funny bug. Somebody has probably found it already, but I think it is kind of funny. This is how it's reproduced:

  1. Create a new report in the report designer.
  2. Click some element, the report itself, for instance, and select Background Color: Expression in the properties window.
  3. Select "Custom", pick a color, red for instance, and double click it do put it into the expression window.
  4. Click OK and watch the report turn.... BLUE!

It looks like the hex-formatted color string is reversed when it is inserted into the expression editor window.

So where do I find the guys who wrote it, hmm. Was it out my office door, to the right and 50 meters straight ahead?

posted on Wednesday, 02 August 2006 04:27:38 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [0]
 Thursday, 13 July 2006

Any of you tried that? Well, if you have, you probably encountered some interesting behavior. At least I did.

I'm developing a web application here on the SQL Server Team @ Microsoft that needs to run in an application pool that runs with the identity of a domain user account. The application also uses Windows Integrated Authentication.
For some reason I was not able to access the website from any other place than the local machine, even though I am an admin on the machine. I just kept getting login-boxes, which is equivalent to access denied. After three login attempts it resulted in "HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials."

When using Integrated Authentication, IIS is by default configured with two authentication methods: Negotiate (Kerberos) and NTLM, with Negotiate as the primary that is tried first. After burning off a few hours trying to figure this out, I found that in my setup, Kerberos authentication fails, and IIS will not let you access the web site. The same is also true if run the App Pool as a local user, and the server running IIS are not using a WINS or DNS name. It looks like the easiest solution is to disable Kerberos and force IIS to use NTLM. See the MS TechNet article below for how to do that. The blog link below describes another solution to this problem which may be preferable.

So now it works, thanks to these links:


posted on Thursday, 13 July 2006 03:05:15 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [2]
 Friday, 30 June 2006

As I wrote in my last post, I have a summer internship at Microsoft in Redmond, USA this summer. The same also applies to Vegard Andreas Larsen, also from Norway, studying at the same university as I do.

Lately a couple of Norwegian journalists have got to know this, and Vegard and I suddenly got a lot of publicity. The local newspaper Fredriksstad Blad published an article about me three weeks ago, and today Norways second and third largest newspapers published two articles:

Fredriksstad Blad:

The articles are in Norwegian only :(

posted on Friday, 30 June 2006 01:39:55 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [0]
 Tuesday, 27 June 2006

As most of you probably have figured out from my last blog post, I’m at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond. I have a summer internship here this summer, and will be working here until the end of August.

The whole story started in early March this spring. I applied for the internship through Microsoft Norway and sent in my resume. In end of March I went to Paris and was interviewed by three people from Microsoft in Redmond, one recruiter, one PM and one tester.

I was asked to solve a programming problem about finding the lowest common parent of two nodes in a binary tree, and then to write the code to solve it on paper. I was also asked a brainteaser and to give examples on how I would test different things, like a table.

Right before Easter I received a job offer as a Software Design Engineer in Test (SDET) on the WinFS team, so here I am.

My first impression of Microsoft is that it is a huge company, and the main campus here in Redmond is quite large. The work environment here is very nice – everybody is nice and you don’t need to wear a suit at work – you can wear whatever you want. The campus is nice – nice buildings and lots of trees and vegetation – almost like a large park.

As some of you may have noticed, WinFS has been cancelled as its own launch vehicle. What that means is that WinFS will not ship as a separate software component, but the technologies developed will be integrated into the next version of SQL Server and ADO. More information can be found on the WinFS Team Blog. I think is it a little sad that we won’t see WinFS shipped, but the vision of a richer storage in Windows is very much alive, as Quentin says.

As WinFS will not be shipped, I will be put on another team, but more on that later.

posted on Tuesday, 27 June 2006 06:57:08 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [0]
 Saturday, 10 June 2006

...inside an Airbus A-340 300 with it's nose pointing towards south-west.

I have to say that SAS' WiFi internet access on their intercontinental flights is a cool thing. Could have been faster response times (currently around 800 ms), but I guess that's how it is when you're surfing via satelite.

As you may have figured out, I'm on my way to Seattle. I will tell you why soon :-)

posted on Saturday, 10 June 2006 22:38:02 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [0]
 Friday, 26 May 2006

"Office 12" BETA2 was released for public download earlier this week. I installed it earlier today, and haven't had any problems with it. I have to say that the user interface looks smooth! I especially liked the "SmartArt"-feature which enables you to create good-looking illustrations quickly.

Download it here:

2007 Microsoft Office system preview site:

posted on Friday, 26 May 2006 02:15:45 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [0]
 Saturday, 13 May 2006

Last friday my team participated in the Nordic Imagine Cup Software Design final in Oslo. We competed againts a Finish and a Danish team. And we won! The Danish team got second place and the Finish team third place. The first price was a Qtek SmartPhone. Both the first and second place go to the worldwide finals in India, and all teams got a nice SQL Server 2005-jacket :-)

The days before the final were quite busy. We worked quite a bit on our presentation and on the demo we were going to show. The last night before the final we got some serious issues with a reluctant SmartPhone, so we stayed up almost all night, until 7 to get it working. Then it was a coulpe of hours of sleep and then straigt out to IT-Fornebu and Accenture's offices for the final.

Our team, "Team NTNU", consists of:
Jan-Kristian Markiewicz (
Gøran Hansen (
Jonas Follesø (
Hans Olav Norheim (me)

Check out the pictures from the final at J-K's Flickr account:

We have also got some publicity:
Teknisk Ukeblad -
Teknisk Ukeblad, PDF - - -

From the left: Gøran, Me, Jonas and Jan-Kristian
In front: Frode Kristensen from Microsoft Norway

posted on Saturday, 13 May 2006 16:13:26 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [0]
 Wednesday, 03 May 2006

Coding too much and sleeping too little is a setting I'm not too unfamiliar with. You know you should sleep a bit more and code a bit less when you have nightmares about debugging and are wondering what method of which class to call to shut off the wakeup alarm in the morning. I'm coding on a project with a few friends these days and came over some interesting code, probably caused by the setting above:

public string MyProp
   set {value = value; }

Hmm... useful property...

if (valueQueues[queueId].Count != null)
   return valueQueues[queueId].Dequeue();
   return null;

Hmmm.. Nullable types is an interesting thing, but I don't think this is the right setting to use them...

posted on Wednesday, 03 May 2006 02:16:04 (W. Europe Standard Time, UTC+01:00)  #    Comments [1]